Running Late (as usual)

So I'm not sure if I'm running late or if I would be early... hmmm maybe early, sounds better. We have headed to the pool recently for, yes you guessed it, a birthday party! And I took the opportunity to grab a quick snap with both boys and I in it.

It's just a shame that all that showed of Mum was her chin!

So I let Little Man go who was chomping at the bit to get back to his swimming and grabbed up Big Brother. Who was ever so willing to be snapped with his Mamma.

Now off to chase Little Man for a 2 second piccie.

But there was more swimming to be done and he was REALLY trying to get back to it.

We have such a fantastic Pool facility here. It is wonderful, now that my boys have a bit of height. When it first opened, neither one could touch the bottom and it meant that I couldn't take them down without another set of hands to help. But now...

... touching the bottom is not something that they do very often! and as far as help goes... I can manage by myself but an 'audience' never goes astray.

"Look what I can do!"

Take every opporunity you can and Embrace the Camera


Super Lily said...

You're very early...haha! I love your underwater shots...amazing.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous!! well done on these pix sarah!