2011 is going to be:
1. The year dedicated to friendship. While we were working 6 1/2 days per week and had the kids in day care from 9-5, 5 days a week it was hard to nourish the friendships we already had, let alone establish new ones! But this year business will be good (a bit of positive thinking there might help!), we will work no more than 5 days per week and we will be better friends!
2. The year I learn accoustic guitar. This is something that I've kinda of always been like, "yeah, that'd be cool if I could do that". The first part of this resolution will be actually getting a guitar! I'm not too concerned with what I learn, kids songs would do! but serenading hubby would be kinda awesome too.
3. The year that I finish my Jinney Beyer wall hanging. It has about 5500 tiny little 1 1/4" squares to stitch together. I have done 200, so I just have a few more to go. Maybe this one needs to be a little more specific... I will complete 1 block (which is a 10 x 10 square) each week! Look out for my weekly post and feel free to ASK where it is if you haven't seen it. lol
4. The year that I organise my sewing room and make it a usable space. That way I won't have to set up on the dining room table every time I want to sew, and then have to pack it all away so the kids can eat breakfast!
5. The year that I spend more time PLAYING with the kids! I will have dedicated times that absolutley no housework, dinner prep, shopping, blogging, etc can be done. Just to play and/or craft our time away.
6. The year that I will exercise! Every day (except Saturday). Not 90 minute workouts or anything silly like that. Just a 30 minute workout, EVERYDAY (except Saturday - just to be clear). Playing with the kids cannot count in this half hour, that will be bonus exercise!
... and that's it so far for what I want out of 2011. I'm working of the KISS (Keep It Simple Sarah - Ha and you thought the last S meant something else!) method and figured that this could quite possibly be achievable! Do you have any projects that you want finished in 2011? Do you have a list or prefer not too put the pressure on? What ever your plans, enjoy ringing in the New Year and I'll