Hi there, just thought I'd let you know after talking about a mixer a few
posts back, that we got a new Sunbeam Cafe Series mixer for Christmas from my Mother In-law and Father In-law and it is beautiful. I really feel that it deserves a name but I am yet to name any of my inanimate objects.... never really caught on when I was younger and all my friends were naming their first cars and such. Oh well, maybe, one day.
But we are loving the yummy goodness that is exploding out of that magic machine everyday!
Back to that Fudge from that same post, that got me hungering for a good ol' fashioned goo-fest prompted me to create a little home-made fudgey goodness of my own. Now I didn't end up using this recipe as with the milk allergies that the boys have I didn't feel like making my own Sweetened Condensed Milk (oh it can be done people, dairy-free sweetened condensed milk, it just takes time and I wanted that fudge melting in my mouth not a moment longer than needed).
Dairy-Free Chocolate Fudge
You will never now the difference, guaranteed!