Absentee note

It was commented to me yesterday that I just haven't blogged very much in a while... and I guess No, I haven't.

I guess it was one of those pesky New Years Resolutions that is getting in the way. Remember this

"6. The year that I will exercise! Every day (except Saturday). Not 90 minute workouts or anything silly like that. Just a 30 minute workout, EVERYDAY (except Saturday - just to be clear). Playing with the kids cannot count in this half hour, that will be bonus exercise!"

Well the thing about exercising is that I just never had time for it before. As a Mum, ME time can be very limited and when I do get a chance that I can sit quietly and knit a few rows, or sew a quick cowl, or blog, I like to take it. But then there is always that little voice inside your head saying "move it mate!" So I have been sticking to my New Years resolution and Moving IT!

I feel better, have more energy, am starting... maybe... to see a few changes happening. So that's where I have been. I also never anticipated the stress of HAVING to have a certain school boy ready ON TIME for school 5 days a week. Which means no more early morning sewing for me either. This school holidays I plan to create and go absolutley CRAZY in my sewing room!

But just to give you a taste here comes another Tappan Zee Cadigan in hot RED!


Nara said...

Wow!!! that will look great!!! I betta get my butt in gear and finish my first one!!!...looks like knitting maybe your new passion??? :)

Colleen said...

Looks great! You obviously got the knitting bug from Gran & Nan.